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TOTAL tranquility. Insurance Policy.

The company has global policy established with Argo Seguros, founded in 2011 in Brazil as a new subsidiary of Argo Group International. Headquartered in São Paulo, it provides a wide range of special, assets and responsibility insurances that include professional, transportation, engineering risks, property and guarantee insurance. In addition, it implements an approach that focuses on the client and creates innovative solutions for your needs.

TOTAL customer service.
Listen to constantly improve

Open channel for complaints, opinions, information and requests. It is competent personnel to hear and talk to clients. TOTAL offers Customer Service nationwide, with staff ready to provide information, answer requests, register complaints and promptly serve the client in case of any incidents.

What’s right is right. TOTAL Legal Advice.

The law firm Nelson Wilians Advogados e Associados is one of the top 3 law firms in the country and is a TOTAL partner.

Keep going. TOTAL contract with Sem Parar.

TOTAL is a partner of Via Fácil and makes the product “Sem Parar” available in its units. In other words: negotiated and special rates on “Sem Parar” operations of just 2.5% discount on the amount collected.

To implement parking lot projects.

We have a professional network specialized in Parking projects to all types of facilities, from large-sized structures to smalls-sized facilities.

TOTAL is human and that means being social, too.

TOTAL is a managing partner of Fundação Abrinq and member of the Program Empresa Amiga da Criança.

Drive well is a basic premise for a strong brand.

COTEM – Central Operacional de Treinamento Especializado para Manobristas. (Operating Center for Specialized Training of Valets.)

Do you know where it is?
Rua Roberto Simonsen, 25 – Praça da Sé São Paulo – SP.

Here is where the Program Estacionamento Escola works. A place for training newly hired valets.
That means quality and professional assurance for the client.


People are too important for us.
500 employees in Brazil.

What does make a company have good progress?
People. And we have the best at TOTAL.

People like Moisés Luiz da Silva, valet, who has been with us from the very first day, in 1996, until now. More than an employee, a great partner.

This is the kind of partnership and involvement that we seek to have with all our employees. For each client to feel assisted, from end to end, with familiarity, respect and efficiency.


Proximity to our customers and constant monitoring of business is recognized by the various certificates that these important companies assigned to StopMatic.

We thank them all and expect that ou partnerships keep on generating important results, and we always wish success in their business, as we have become so interconnected during all these years of relationship.

Em que posso ajudar?